SAP Sailing Analytics Webservices API

URL: /sailinglandscape/api/landscape/getsessioncredentials


Obtains information about active hyperscaler (e.g., AWS) session credentials, in particular their expiry time point.

Webservice Type: GET
Output format: json
Mandatory query parameters: None
Request method: GET
Example: curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer RwGK+DV38LKjeuDu+Bx87/3blLJHD7Ff+NCLeud9nRQ=' ""
produces output:
            "sessionTokenExpiryMillis": 1639712346000,
            "sessionTokenExpiryISO": "2021-12-17T04:39:06.000Z"
If the subject is not properly authenticated or does not have any active credentials stored, a 404 (not found) status will result.
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