SAP Sponsorships Engine Security Webservices API

URL: /api/restsecurity


The service adds a role to a user, defining whether the role is to be qualified to a specific group or user ownership, and deciding whether the role assignment is transitive or non-transitive which decides about whether the receiving user is allowed to pass on the permissions obtained from this role assignment to other users.

Add Role to User
Request Method: PUT /add_role_to_user
Output format: Only the status code is relevant. 2xx for success.
Query parameters:
Name of the user to which to assign the role
Unique ID of the role definition, telling which role to assign to the user
Optional unique ID of the user group for which to qualify the role assignment. If provided, the role's permissions will only be granted to the user if the object to which the permission applies is owned by the group identified by this ID.
Optional name of the user for which to qualify the role assignment. If provided, the role's permissions will only be granted to the user identified by username if the object to which the permission applies is owned by the user identified by qualifying_username.
Tells whether the role assignment is transitive; if true, the user identified by username will be able to pass on the permissions from the role assignment to other users. Default is false.
Example: curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer MVPg/uCV1QGqMDmDtUuOQBrSrB1NlIldm0LW+dnxZ2A=" "http://admin:admin@
Will provide a 200 response as explained above.