SAP Sailing Analytics Webservices API Version 1.0

URL: /api/v1/mark/searchMarksByMarkPropertiesObject/{markPropertiesId}


Searches for Marks, that originated from a specified MarkProperties object.

Webservice Type: REST
Intput format: path and query parameters
Output format: Json
Request method: GET
Mandatory parameters:
  • markPropertiesId:
    The id of the MarkProperties object to of which the returned Marks should have originated from.
Optional parameters:
  • eventIds:
    A set of Ids, representing Events to which the returned Marks should belong to. Will serve as filter.
    If both "eventIds" and "regattaNames" is set and no intersection is found, no Marks will be returned.
  • regattaNames:
    A set of names, representing Regattas to which the returned Marks should belong to. Will serve as filter.
    If both "eventIds" and "regattaNames" is set and no intersection is found, no Marks will be returned.
  • onlyCurrentlyActive:
    A boolean value. Will narrow the results to only include Marks belonging to currently active Regattas/Events. An Event/Regatta is considered "currently active" if it's enddate is before the current date in time.
Examples: Request:
                          "mark": {
                              "@class": "Mark",
                              "name": "testMark2",
                              "shortName": null,
                              "id": "9e0b6cf4-0187-4602-9ea5-2670ccbba453",
                              "originatingMarkPropertiesId": "020c11b7-8b2d-48d3-9f51-968cf2d7e832"
                          "events": [
                                  "eventId": 0ade3e41-985e-453f-b6e2-fc95003ad64f,
                                  "name": "MarkTestEventWithRegatta"
                          "regatta": {
                              "regattaName": "MarkTestRegattaBelongingToEvent"
                          "mark": {
                          "@class": "Mark",
                          "name": "testMark2",
                          "shortName": null,
                          "id": "e8e6226c-4512-4e78-8ce8-8ee05368721f",
                          "originatingMarkPropertiesId": "020c11b7-8b2d-48d3-9f51-968cf2d7e832"
                          "events": [
                                 "eventId": 0ade3e41-985e-453f-b6e2-fc95003ad64f,
                                 "name": "MarkTestEventWithRegatta"
                          "regatta": {
                             "regattaName": "MarkTestRegattaBelongingToEvent"
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