SAP Sailing Analytics Webservices API Version 1.0

URL: /api/v1/regattas/{regattaname}/competitors/{competitorId}/add


Registers an existing competitor with the regatta.
This provides functionality

  • for the regatta owner (or any user with update permission on the regatta) to add existing competitors to the regatta
  • and for any user to register himself to an regatta that is explicitly open for self-registrations.
    All slashes contained within the {regattaname} parameter must be replaced by "__" (double underscore).

    Webservice Type: POST
    Output format: None
    Mandatory parameters:
    regattaname the name of the regatta to register a competitor for
    competitorid the UUID of the competitor to register
    Additional mandatory parameters for user self-registrations on open regattas:
    secret secret string required for self registration validation purpose
    Request method: POST
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