SAP Sailing Analytics Webservices API Version 1.0

URL: /api/v1/regattas/{name}


The service updates the details of a regatta.
All slashes contained within the {name} parameter must be replaced by "__" (double underscore).

Webservice Type: REST
Input format: Json
Output format: Json
Mandatory parameters:
  • startTimePointAsMillis: The start of the regatta as millis or null to unset
  • endTimePointAsMillis: The end of the regatta as millis or null to unset
  • defaultCourseAreaUuid: The UUID of an existing course area or null to unset
  • buoyZoneRadiusInHullLengths: Double to set buoy zone value or null to unset
  • useStartTimeInference: Only one of useStartTimeInference and controlTrackingFromStartAndFinishTimes may be true
  • controlTrackingFromStartAndFinishTimes: Only one of useStartTimeInference and controlTrackingFromStartAndFinishTimes may be true
  • autoRestartTrackingUponCompetitorSetChange: If set, changes in the competitor registrations trigger removing and re-tracking of the tracked races affected to reflect the changes in the set of competitors. Note that this has the effect that until the race(s) is/are re-loaded, users may see incorrect or incomplete states.
Optional parameters:
  • registrationLinkSecret: The regatta secret to set. Be aware that any pre-existing registration link may get invalid by setting a new secret.
  • competitorRegistrationType: Either of [CLOSED, OPEN_UNMODERATED].
Request method: GET
Example: Woche (5o5)
Example payload:
                "startTimePointAsMillis": 4576345346567576,
                "endTimePointAsMillis": 4576345521232345,
                "defaultCourseAreaUuid": "f00e9053-e0ad-430f-a555-73f7ec2e59e1",
                "buoyZoneRadiusInHullLengths": 7.4,
                "useStartTimeInference": false,
                "controlTrackingFromStartAndFinishTimes": true
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