SAP Sailing Analytics Webservices API Version 1.0

URL: /api/v1/regattas/{regattaname}/races/{racename}/targettime


Gets the estimated time it will take to sail a race. The mark positions and the wind data are taken from the optional timeasmillis parameter which defaults to the current time. Note that sometimes the marks are not in place yet when the race starts and that a windward mark may be collected already before the race finishes.
All slashes contained within the {regattaname} and {racename} parameters must be replaced by "__" (double underscore).

Webservice Type: REST
Output format: Json
Mandatory parameters: None
Optional parameters: timeasmillis [default: current time on server]: used as the hypothetical start time point for the simulated race. The mark positions and the wind field is determined based on this time point. The duration estimated for each leg is carried forward into the start time estimation for the next leg.
Request method: GET
  "durationMillis": 1901620,
  "legs": [
      "legStartMillis": 1431433847707,
      "legDurationMillis": 546030,
      "legDistanceMeters": 470.5053546126686,
      "legBearingDegrees": 59.67415841886631,
      "legTrueWindAngleToLegDegrees": 162.59560021351922,
      "legType": "DOWNWIND",
      "legWind": {
        "position": {
          "latitude_deg": 53.968658362927286,
          "longitude_deg": 10.891913484616515
        "timepoint": 1374491356261,
        "speedinknots": 6.4849853515625,
        "direction": 42.26975863238553
      "legStartMillis": 1431434393737,
      "legDurationMillis": 308535,
      "legDistanceMeters": 579.5376010294224,
      "legBearingDegrees": 232.8974267236084,
      "legTrueWindAngleToLegDegrees": -10.621851295350126,
      "legType": "UPWIND",
      "legWind": {
        "position": {
          "latitude_deg": 53.968658110222464,
          "longitude_deg": 10.891913809448758
        "timepoint": 1374491356343,
        "speedinknots": 6.4849853515625,
        "direction": 42.27557542825828
      "legStartMillis": 1431434702272,
      "legDurationMillis": 621392,
      "legDistanceMeters": 579.5376010294224,
      "legBearingDegrees": 52.89170873703634,
      "legTrueWindAngleToLegDegrees": 169.383866691218,
      "legType": "DOWNWIND",
      "legWind": {
        "position": {
          "latitude_deg": 53.968658110222464,
          "longitude_deg": 10.891913809448756
        "timepoint": 1374491356343,
        "speedinknots": 6.4849853515625,
        "direction": 42.27557542825434
      "legStartMillis": 1431435323664,
      "legDurationMillis": 308535,
      "legDistanceMeters": 579.5376010294224,
      "legBearingDegrees": 232.8974267236084,
      "legTrueWindAngleToLegDegrees": -10.62185129536175,
      "legType": "UPWIND",
      "legWind": {
        "position": {
          "latitude_deg": 53.96865811022246,
          "longitude_deg": 10.891913809448754
        "timepoint": 1374491356343,
        "speedinknots": 6.4849853515625,
        "direction": 42.27557542824663
      "legStartMillis": 1431435632199,
      "legDurationMillis": 117128,
      "legDistanceMeters": 120.41031715642531,
      "legBearingDegrees": 46.33987300290059,
      "legTrueWindAngleToLegDegrees": 175.92397905121354,
      "legType": "DOWNWIND",
      "legWind": {
        "position": {
          "latitude_deg": 53.96865861916294,
          "longitude_deg": 10.891913155245673
        "timepoint": 1374491356178,
        "speedinknots": 6.4849853515625,
        "direction": 42.26385205411413
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