SAP Sailing Analytics Webservices API Version 1.0

URL: /api/v1/events/{event-id}/update


Updates an existing event. Individual attributes of the Event object can be updated by providing a corresponding form parameter in the stream.

ispublic a boolean value, true/false, telling whether the event shall be public
officialwebsiteurl URL of the official web site
baseurl event base URL; will be used in e-mails sent out, e.g., for registration; defaults to the base URL of this request
leaderboardgroupids IDs of the leaderboard groups to add to the new event; to clear the list, provide a single empty occurrence as in
. If the parameter is not mentioned once then the leaderboard groups are left unchanged. To provide multiple leaderboard groups, repeat the parameter multiple times, as in
Webservice Type: PUT
Output format: empty
Mandatory parameters: none; when no parameters are provided the call is a no-op
Optional parameters:
eventname name of the event
eventdescription the event description text
startdate the event start date in ISO format (e.g., 2017-08-17T10:00:00+0200)
startdateasmillis (alternative to startdate) the event start date in milliseconds since the epoch (Unix time)
enddate the event end date in ISO format (e.g., 2017-08-19T20:00:00+0200)
enddateasmillis (alternative to enddate) the event end date in milliseconds since the epoch (Unix time)
venuename or venuelat/venuelng can be provided, as follows
venuename the name of the venue; if not provided, venuelat and venuelng can be used, and the name of the town nearest to the coordinates will be used as a venue name then
venuelat decimal degrees; can be provided instead of a venuename, together with venuelng encoding the location of the event
venuelng decimal degrees; can be provided instead of a venuename, together with venuelat encoding the location of the event
Request method: POST
Example: curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer w9YSIfr/Zf6a127SZDddkhdAtQuuv0Jm1PSXlo1Yvd0=" ""
produces output
			"eventname":"Session admin 24-08-2017 16:46:40",
			"regatta":"Session admin 24-08-2017 16:46:40",
			"leaderboard":"Session admin 24-08-2017 16:46:40"
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