SAP Sailing Analytics Webservices API Version 1.0

URL: /api/v1/competitors/{id}

This API contains deprecated fields in the result. These fields will be removed in near future.
Please see /api/v1/competitors/{id} for detailed information!


Updates the details of a competitor. Only optional parameters that are passed by the json payload are updated.

Webservice Type: REST
Input format: Json
Output format: Json
Mandatory parameters: None
Optional parameters: name: Name of Competitor
shortName: Short name of the competitor
email: EMail-Address of the competitor
nationality: Three-letter IOC nationality acronym
timeOnTimeFactor: default time-on-time handicap factor
timeOnDistanceAllowanceInSecondsPerNauticalMile: default time-on-distance time allowance for this competitor, used in handicap regattas
flagImageUri: URI of flag image
teamImageUri: URI of team image
searchTag: Search tag
Request method: PUT
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