SAP Sailing Analytics Webservices API Version 1.0

URL: /api/v1/mark/addMarkToRegatta


Adds a Mark to a specified Regatta

Webservice Type: REST
Intput format: Json
Output format: Json
Request method: POST
Mandatory parameters: regattaName: the name of the regatta to add the mark to.
markName: the name of the mark to add.
Optional parameters: shortName: short name of the mark to create. Defaults to the name if not given.
originatingMarkTemplateId: UUID of an existing mark template on which the mark is based on
originatingMarkPropertiesId: UUID of existing mark properties on which the mark is based on
color: Optional color of the mark to create. Defaults to null if not provided.
type: Optional type of the mark to create. Defaults to null if not provided.
pattern: Optional pattern of the mark to create. Defaults to null if not provided.
shape: Optional shape of the mark to create. Defaults to null if not provided.
Examples: Request:
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