SAP Sailing Analytics Webservices API Version 1.0

URL: /api/v1/mark/addCourseDefinitionToRaceLog


Allows to create a Course definition that is then inserted into the race log of a specified race

Webservice Type: REST
Output format: Json
Intput format: Json
Request method: POST
Mandatory parameters: leaderboardName, fleetName, raceColumnName: the definition of the tracked race for which to set the course
controlPoints: An ordered sequence of control points that form the layout of the course. For each control point, the following properties can be specified:
  • passingInstruction (required): For single mark waypoints, this can be one of [None, Port, Starboard, Single_Unknown, FixedBearing]. For mark pairs, this can be one of [None, Gate, Line, Offset].
  • marks (required): List of UUIDs of the relevant marks. May specify one or two marks. Marks with the given ID are required to already exist in the specific regatta.
  • controlPointName (optional): for mark pairs (control point with two marks), the name may be specified. If no name is given, one is inferred from the mark names.
Optional parameters: originatingCourseTemplateId: UUID of an existing course template that is defined to be the source of the control point sequence.
Examples: Request:
                "controlPoints": [
                        "controlPointName", "Start\/Finish",
                        "marks":["305ffb4b-c23d-42a1-be45-f76a2bad8fab", "305ffb4b-c23d-42a1-be45-123123123123"]
                        "marks":["305ffb4b-c23d-42a1-be45-f76a2bad8fab", "305ffb4b-c23d-42a1-be45-123123123123"]
                        "marks":["305ffb4b-c23d-42a1-be45-f76a2bad8fab", "305ffb4b-c23d-42a1-be45-123123123123"]
                        "controlPointName", "Start\/Finish",
                        "marks":["305ffb4b-c23d-42a1-be45-f76a2bad8fab", "305ffb4b-c23d-42a1-be45-123123123123"]
Response: Status 200 if changed
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